Content management, Human efficiency, Organizational transformation, ECM(Enterprise content management)Abstract
Organizations must become more efficient in managing their human resources and processes to remain competitive. Human resources are the most precious asset of an organization and the foundation of a productive and resourceful workplace. Handling the multitude of daily activities is difficult. The difficulty for the kingdom's human resources department should not be finding space and time to file paper documents. As a result of Enterprise Content Management, Saudi Arabian human resources can dedicate their time when the business requires it. ECM enables firms to perform more efficiently and effectively, hence saving money. Modern Saudi Arabian enterprises rely heavily on H.R. to support strategy rollout and manage organizational transitions. This study examines how Saudi firms manage, store, preserve, and deliver structured and unstructured data through various H.R. life cycle management approaches. This expedites the achievement of the business objective. The Enterprise Content Management System for the Saudi Arabian market will function under business processes, content governance, integration difficulties, and a performance tracking map, all while decreasing I.T. complexity. The researcher used experimental research, and 50 H.R. specialists were considered based on convenience sampling and the focus group. AMOS 20 was used to do a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), establishing acceptable levels of goodness-of-fit for the measurement model