Papers must prepared in accordance with the following instructions.
Those, who wish to contribute to the journal should pay attention the following publication rules:
1. Papers must be in English.
2. Papers that are submitted to the journal should not be under review at any other journal(s).
3. The first page of the manuscript should contain the following information.
- the title of article,
- the name (s) and institutional affiliation (s) of the author (s),
- the address, telephone and the fax numbers as well as the e-mail address of the corresponding author (s), and
- an abstract of 50-100 words.
4. Manuscripts may be typewritten on paper (8-1/2 x 11 inches, 22 x 29 cm), with 1 inch/2.5 cm margins on all sides. All material should be double-spaced, including references and figure captions; quotations exceeding three lines should be single spaced and left-right indented. Page numbering should be consecutive throughout the manuscript.
5. Notes should be kept to a minimum and should appear at the bottom of the page. They should be numbered consecutively and indicated in the text by superior numbers.
6. References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper. They should be cross- referenced in the text by using the author’s last name and publication date in the style of (Estache :2001) or (Estache ,2001:50).
Sample references are:
Estache, Antonio. (2001) Accounting for Poverty in Infrastructure Reform: Learning from Latin America’s Experience, Washington, DC: The World Bank.
Estache, Antonio, Marianella González and Lourdes Trujillo. (2002) “What Does ‘Privatization’ Do for Efficiency? Evidence from Argentina’s and Brazil’s Railways”, World Development, Vol. 30, No. 11, pp.1885-1897.
Chapters in Books
Campos, Javier, Antonio Estache, Noelia Martin and Lourdes Trujillo. (2003) “Macroeconomic Effects of Private sector Participation in Infrastrucrure”, (in: William Russel Easterly-Ed., Limits of Stabilization: Infrastructure, Public Deficits and Growth in Latin America, ), Hernpdon: The World Bank, pp.139-170.
Working Paper
Estache, Antonio, Andres Gomez-Lobo and Danny Leipziger. (2000) “Utility Privatization and the Needs of the Poor in Latin America. Have We Learned Enough to Get it Right?” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2407. Washington D.C.: World Bank.
Internet Resource
World Bank (2005), Private Participation in Infrastructure Project Database,, [Accessed 7.12.2002]
7. Tables should be typed on a separate sheet, numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and have titles. All footnotes to tables and their sources should be placed under the tables.
8. Displayed formulae should be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript as (1), (2) etc., against the right-hand margin of the page.
9. Charts and diagrams are all to be referred to as “figure(s)” and should be numbered consecutively with numerals in the order to which they are referred. Figures should be camera-ready, with Arabic numerals and have titles.