Our Archive contains the full text of all articles published in the International Journal of Business and Management Studies
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Vol 3, No 1, January 2011
Adriano Arrivabene & Renato José Sassi
“The Importance of Governance in the Implantation of a Project Business Intelligence Appropriate to the Requirements of the Law Sarbanes-Oxley”
Agata Czarnigowska & Piotr Jaskowski & Slawomir Biruk
“Project Performance Reporting and Prediction: Extensions of Earned Value Management”
Ágnes Virlics
“The Rosia Montană Mining Project – A Business-Psychology Presentation”
Aysegul Ozbebek & Esra Kilicarslan Toplu
“Does Culture Matter for Corporate Governance? A Case Study of Turkey”
Babak Daneshvar Rouyendegh (Babek Erdebilli) & Turan Erman Erkan
“ERP System Selection by AHP Method: Case Study from Turkey”
Barbara Jankowska
“Implications of Coopetition for International Competitiveness and Internationalization of Firms: Perspective of SME and Large Companies”
Barbara Timar, Nagyne
“Satisfaction Barometer of the Customers of Auchan Russia”
Baris Baraz & A.Nurhan Sakar
“Organization Design and Innovation: A Comparative Analysis of Two Corporations”
Bengi Baraz Cinar & Ozan Aglargoz
“The Role of Music at Manufacturing Organizations: An Example from Turkish Textile Industry”
Cagatay Iris & Mehmet Tanyas
“Analysis of Turkish Logistics Sector and Solutions Selection to Emerging Problems Regarding Criteria Listed in Logistics Performance Index (LPI)”
Claude Alavoine & Claudine Batazzi
“Nature and Exchange of Information in Intercultural Business Negotiations”
E. Ildem Develi & Begum Erdil Sahin & Yeliz Sevimli
“Entrepreneurship and Importance of Personality on Entrepreneurship: A Research on Trainees of Entrepreneurship Education Program”
Ebru Karpuzoglu
“A Research on Succession Management in Family Companies”
Elif Deniz & Ayla Ozhan Dedeoglu
“Virtual Communities of Practice and Consumption Practices: A Case of Turkey”
F. Senem Erdem Albas & Azize Ergeneli
“Role of Cultural Variables in the Relation between Leader’s Empowering Behaviour and Employee’s Psychological Empowerment Perception”
Guldem Elmas & Fevzi Erdogmus
“The Importance of Reverse Logistics”
Huseyin Selcuk Kilic & Emre Cevikcan
“Job Selection Based on Fuzzy AHP: An Investigation Including the Students of Istanbul Technical University Management Faculty”
Ioan Fotea & Mihai Corcea & Frigyes – Krisztian Szucs
“Managing Emotions in Healthcare Service Organizations: Winning the Hearts of Patients in a Bucharest-Based Private Clinic”
Karen Druffel & T. Bridgett Perry-Galvin
“Gender Differences in Perceptions of the Role of Industry Mentors in Undergraduate Student Mentorship Program”
Kiomars Ashtarian & Hannaneh M. Kangarani & Mahnaz Hosseinzadeh & Zahra Moayedi Fard
“Network Analysis; a New Approach for Evaluation of Industrial Operational Plans (Study of Textile Industry & Clothing of Iran)”
Lars Günther & Daniela Menzel & David Jentsch
“Intervention Method for Participatory Strategy Development and Implementation (IPAS) – A Way to Enhance Strategic Thinking and Acting of SMEs”
Linda Siliņa
“Business Assessment and Development in Courland Region”
Melisa Erdilek Karabay
“Assessing the Measurement of Intangible Assets in Telecommunication Sector: Evidence from Turkey”
Meral Erdirencelebi & Abdullah Oktay Dundar
“The Evaluation of Green Focused Applications – From the Point of Enterprises”
Mohammad Saeed Jabalameli & Abdolsalam Ghaderi & Davood Shishebori
“An Efficient Algorithm to Solve Dynamic Budget Constrained Uncapacitated Facility Location- Network Design Problem”
N. Derya Ergun Ozler & B. Alper Buyukarslan
“The Overall Outlook of Favoritism in Organizations: A Literature Review”
Nazura Mohamed Sayuti
“Critical Determinants of Agile Supply Chain in Buyer and Supplier Relationship: A Literature Review and Future Direction”
Piotr Jaskowski & Slawomir Biruk & Agata Czarnigowska
“Estimating Distribution Parameters of Schedule Activity Duration on the Basis of Risk Related to Expected Project Conditions”
Rashed Sahraeian & Alireza Fallah Tafti
“A Multi-Objective Model for Decision Making in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network”
Robert Morvai & Janos Varga
“Innovation in Supply Chains”
Roman Angela & Rusu Valentina Diana
“Effects of the Current Economic Crisis on Small and Medium Enterprises Sector in Some EU Member Countries – A Comparative Study”
Ruta Kesnere & Roberts Škapars
“Methodology for Choosing Fiscal Stimuli for Economic Competitiveness Development”
Sadettin Keskin
“Social Networks, Innovations and Nations”
Santos José O. Dacanay III
“Off-Balance Sheet Activities of Philippine Commercial Banks: Regulation Issues and Measurement Problems”
Turan Erman Erkan & Poyraz Gurson & Yavuz Selim Ozdemir
“Intellectual Capital Management Awareness and Level in Manufacturing Industry in Ankara”
Turan Erman Erkan & Ugur Bac
“Supply Chain Performance Measurement: A Case Study about Applicability of Scor Model in a Manufacturing Industry Firm”
Ulas Cakar & Ozan Nadir Alakavuklar
“Inherent Chaos in the Organizational Order: An Epistemological Approach”
Umut Kubat
“An Examination of the Relationship among Personal Values, Perceived Value of Education and Satisfaction”
Yavuz Yildirim & Gazanfer Unal
“Modeling ISE100 With Continuous AR(1) Model”
Zoltán Zörög & Kornélia Nagymihály Ficzere & Eszter Bakos-Tóth
“The Financial, Controlling and It Aspects of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act”
Vol 3, No 2, July 2011
Agu Kenneth Obinna & Maria Fekete Farkas
“Cultural Conflict Management Program for Firms and Organizations”
Ahmad Rusdi Abdullah & Mahadzirah Mohamad & Shafiek Mokhlis
“Examining the Structural Relationships of Service Recovery, Destination Image and Behavioural Intentions of Foreign Tourists: A Proposal”
Akif Tabak & Mazlum Celik & Serhat Burmaoglu
“A Study on the Perception of the Leadership Characteristic by the Employees on the Context of Implicit Leadership Theory”
Anca-Daniela Vladoi & Florin Mihoc & Adela Laura Popa & Cristian Hnatiuc & Ioan Fotea
“Do All SMEs Need RM? A Managerial Perspective Regarding Romanian SMEs”
Ashatu Hussein
“Employees’ Awareness and Perceptions of Fringe Benefit Packages: A Case of Local and Foreign Owned Companies in Tanzania”
Aykan Candemir & Keti Ventura & Ipek Kazancoglu
“Content Analysis of Top 1000 Turkish Company Web Sites: Marketing Mix Practices”
Ayşegul Ozbebek & Esra Kilicarslan Toplu
“Empowered Employees’ Knowledge Sharing Behavior”
Huseyin Selcuk Kilic
“A Fuzzy AHP Based Performance Assessment System for the Strategic Plan of Turkish Municipalities”
Ilke Oruc & Zumrut Tonus
“Business Ethics Application in Business and the Role of HRM”
Ingrid Bierla & Benjamin Huver & Sébastien Richard
“Presenteeism at Work: The Influence of Managers”
Ioan Fotea & Silvia Fotea & Emanuel Poli
“Applying Relationship Marketing Principles Based on Customer Satisfaction Research in a Direct Marketing Company in Romania”
Isa Ipcioglu & Atil Taser
“The Effects of Bussiness Education on Entrepreneurship Characteristics: An Empirical Study”
Isik Cicek & Bilal Ozer
“The Effect of Outsourcing Human Resource on Organizational Performance: The Role of Organizational Culture”
Lucell A. Larawan
“Employee Innovativeness and Achievement Motivation: A Public and a Private Organization’s Experience”
Lukas Prochazka
“Raising Competitiveness of Czech SMEs – Analysis of R&D Supporting Programmes”
Mahadzirah Mohamad & Abdul Manan Ali & Nur Izzati Ab Ghani
“A Structural Model of Destination Image, Tourists’ Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty”
Mazlum Celik & Omer Turunc & Memduh Begenirbas
“The Role of Organizational Trust, Burnout and Interpersonal Deviance for Achieving Organizational Performance”
Mioara Borza
“Some Considerations Regarding the Corporate Social Responsibility Models in Romania”
Miray Baybars & Elif Ustundagli
“Attitudes toward Online Shopping from the Aspects of Personal Characteristics and Shopping Motive through a Developing Concept: Private Shopping”
Mirko Vintar & Dalibor Stanimirovic
“Evaluation of Impact of Outsourcing on Efficiency of Public Sector Organisations”
Ozlen Hic Birol
“The Effects of the Global Economic Crisis on Turkey’s Economy and the Recent Tilt in Her International Relations”
Paris Bayias & Vassilis Assimakopoulos
“About the Significance of National Culture Differences for Domestic Companies That Expand to the International Environment”
Payal Mehra
“Socio-Demographic Influencers on Patient Provider Interactions and Outcomes: Emerging Economy Perspectives”
Piotr Jaskowski & Slawomir Biruk & Agata Czarnigowska
“Evaluating Surrogate Measures of Construction Project Schedule Robustness”
Rony Germon & Patrick Laclemence &
Babiga Birregah
“A Matrix Approach for Threat Assessment on Human Capital in SMEs”
Rostislav Kopitov & Lev Faingloz
“Comparison of Different Approaches to the Management System Construction and Their Influence on the Enterprise Controllability”
Roya Anvari & Salmiah Mohamad Amin
“Strategic Training Practices and Turnover Intention: The Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment”
Sebastian Văduva & Ioan Fotea & Mariana Lazar & Carmen Sass
“Improving the Absorbtion of European Funds by Public Administration: Case Study Romanian City-Halls”
Sevgi Donmez Mac & Suayyip Calis
“Labour Practices in the Content of Corporate Social Responsibility: An Evaluation on Automotive Manufacturer Companies’ Websites “
Sibel Bayar Caglak& Gulsum Aydin& Guler Alkan
“The Impact of Seaport Investments on Regional Economics and Developments”
Susanna Göransson & Tom Hagström & Tomas Backström
“Leaders´ Development and Corporate Culture”
Thomas Mathew
“Understanding the Management Characteristics of Engineering Students in Mumbai – India”
Tuan Nooriani Tuan Ismail
“Corporate Social Responsibility: The Influence of the Silver Book”