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AppendMenuW Appends a new item to the end of the specified menu bar, drop-down menu, submenu, or shortcut menu.

ArrangeIconicWindows Arranges all the minimized iconic child windows of the specified parent window. AttachThreadInput Attaches or detaches the input processing mechanism of one thread to that of another thread. BeginDeferWindowPos Allocates memory for a multiple-window- position structure and returns the handle to the structure. BlockInput Blocks keyboard and mouse input events from reaching applications. If the window is a top-level window, it is activated.

If the window is a child window, the top-level parent window associated with the child window is activated. BroadcastSystemMessage Sends a message to the specified recipients. BroadcastSystemMessageA Sends a message to the specified recipients.

BroadcastSystemMessageW Sends a message to the specified recipients. CalculatePopupWindowPosition Calculates an appropriate pop-up window position using the specified anchor point, pop-up window size, flags, and the optional exclude rectangle.

CallNextHookEx Passes the hook information to the next hook procedure in the current hook chain. A hook procedure can call this function either before or after processing the hook information. CallWindowProcA Passes message information to the specified window procedure. CallWindowProcW Passes message information to the specified window procedure.

CascadeWindows Cascades the specified child windows of the specified parent window. ChangeClipboardChain Removes a specified window from the chain of clipboard viewers. ChangeDisplaySettingsA The ChangeDisplaySettings function changes the settings of the default display device to the specified graphics mode. ChangeDisplaySettingsW The ChangeDisplaySettings function changes the settings of the default display device to the specified graphics mode.

CharLowerA Converts a character string or a single character to lowercase. If the operand is a character string, the function converts the characters in place. CharLowerBuffA Converts uppercase characters in a buffer to lowercase characters. The function converts the characters in place. CharLowerBuffW Converts uppercase characters in a buffer to lowercase characters.

CharLowerW Converts a character string or a single character to lowercase. CharNextA Retrieves a pointer to the next character in a string. This function can handle strings consisting of either single- or multi-byte characters. CharNextExA Retrieves the pointer to the next character in a string.

CharNextW Retrieves a pointer to the next character in a string. CharPrevA Retrieves a pointer to the preceding character in a string. CharPrevExA Retrieves the pointer to the preceding character in a string. CharPrevW Retrieves a pointer to the preceding character in a string.

Warning Do not use. CharUpperA Converts a character string or a single character to uppercase. CharUpperBuffA Converts lowercase characters in a buffer to uppercase characters. CharUpperBuffW Converts lowercase characters in a buffer to uppercase characters. CharUpperW Converts a character string or a single character to uppercase.

CheckDlgButton Changes the check state of a button control. CheckMenuItem Sets the state of the specified menu item’s check-mark attribute to either selected or clear. CheckMenuRadioItem Checks a specified menu item and makes it a radio item. At the same time, the function clears all other menu items in the associated group and clears the radio-item type flag for those items.

CheckRadioButton Adds a check mark to checks a specified radio button in a group and removes a check mark from clears all other radio buttons in the group. ChildWindowFromPoint Determines which, if any, of the child windows belonging to a parent window contains the specified point. The search is restricted to immediate child windows. Grandchildren, and deeper descendant windows are not searched.

ChildWindowFromPointEx Determines which, if any, of the child windows belonging to the specified parent window contains the specified point. ClientToScreen The ClientToScreen function converts the client-area coordinates of a specified point to screen coordinates. ClipCursor Confines the cursor to a rectangular area on the screen.

CloseClipboard Closes the clipboard. CloseDesktop Closes an open handle to a desktop object. CloseGestureInfoHandle Closes resources associated with a gesture information handle. CloseTouchInputHandle Closes a touch input handle, frees process memory associated with it, and invalidates the handle. CloseWindow Minimizes but does not destroy the specified window.

CloseWindowStation Closes an open window station handle. CopyAcceleratorTableA Copies the specified accelerator table. This function is used to obtain the accelerator-table data that corresponds to an accelerator-table handle, or to determine the size of the accelerator-table data.

CopyAcceleratorTableW Copies the specified accelerator table. CopyCursor Copies the specified cursor. CopyIcon Copies the specified icon from another module to the current module.

CopyImage Creates a new image icon, cursor, or bitmap and copies the attributes of the specified image to the new one. If necessary, the function stretches the bits to fit the desired size of the new image. CopyRect The CopyRect function copies the coordinates of one rectangle to another. CountClipboardFormats Retrieves the number of different data formats currently on the clipboard. CreateAcceleratorTableA Creates an accelerator table. CreateAcceleratorTableW Creates an accelerator table.

CreateCaret Creates a new shape for the system caret and assigns ownership of the caret to the specified window. The caret shape can be a line, a block, or a bitmap. CreateCursor Creates a cursor having the specified size, bit patterns, and hot spot. CreateDesktopA Creates a new desktop, associates it with the current window station of the calling process, and assigns it to the calling thread. CreateDesktopExA Creates a new desktop with the specified heap, associates it with the current window station of the calling process, and assigns it to the calling thread.

CreateDesktopExW Creates a new desktop with the specified heap, associates it with the current window station of the calling process, and assigns it to the calling thread. CreateDesktopW Creates a new desktop, associates it with the current window station of the calling process, and assigns it to the calling thread. CreateDialogA Creates a modeless dialog box from a dialog box template resource.

CreateDialogIndirectA Creates a modeless dialog box from a dialog box template in memory. CreateDialogIndirectW Creates a modeless dialog box from a dialog box template in memory. CreateDialogParamA Creates a modeless dialog box from a dialog box template resource. CreateDialogParamW Creates a modeless dialog box from a dialog box template resource.

CreateDialogW Creates a modeless dialog box from a dialog box template resource. CreateIcon Creates an icon that has the specified size, colors, and bit patterns. CreateIconFromResource Creates an icon or cursor from resource bits describing the icon. CreateMenu Creates a menu. CreatePopupMenu Creates a drop-down menu, submenu, or shortcut menu.

CreateSyntheticPointerDevice Configures the pointer injection device for the calling application, and initializes the maximum number of simultaneous pointers that the app can inject. CreateWindowA Creates an overlapped, pop-up, or child window.

CreateWindowExA Creates an overlapped, pop-up, or child window with an extended window style; otherwise, this function is identical to the CreateWindow function. CreateWindowExW Creates an overlapped, pop-up, or child window with an extended window style; otherwise, this function is identical to the CreateWindow function.

CreateWindowStationA Creates a window station object, associates it with the calling process, and assigns it to the current session. CreateWindowStationW Creates a window station object, associates it with the calling process, and assigns it to the current session. CreateWindowW Creates an overlapped, pop-up, or child window. DefDlgProcA Calls the default dialog box window procedure to provide default processing for any window messages that a dialog box with a private window class does not process.

DefDlgProcW Calls the default dialog box window procedure to provide default processing for any window messages that a dialog box with a private window class does not process. DefFrameProcA Provides default processing for any window messages that the window procedure of a multiple-document interface MDI frame window does not process. DefFrameProcW Provides default processing for any window messages that the window procedure of a multiple-document interface MDI frame window does not process.

DefWindowProcA Calls the default window procedure to provide default processing for any window messages that an application does not process. DefWindowProcW Calls the default window procedure to provide default processing for any window messages that an application does not process. DeleteMenu Deletes an item from the specified menu. If the menu item opens a menu or submenu, this function destroys the handle to the menu or submenu and frees the memory used by the menu or submenu.

DestroyAcceleratorTable Destroys an accelerator table. DestroyCaret Destroys the caret’s current shape, frees the caret from the window, and removes the caret from the screen. DestroyCursor Destroys a cursor and frees any memory the cursor occupied. Do not use this function to destroy a shared cursor. DestroyIcon Destroys an icon and frees any memory the icon occupied.

DestroyMenu Destroys the specified menu and frees any memory that the menu occupies. DestroySyntheticPointerDevice Destroys the specified pointer injection device. DestroyWindow Destroys the specified window. DialogBoxA Creates a modal dialog box from a dialog box template resource. DialogBox does not return control until the specified callback function terminates the modal dialog box by calling the EndDialog function. DialogBoxIndirectA Creates a modal dialog box from a dialog box template in memory.

DialogBoxIndirect does not return control until the specified callback function terminates the modal dialog box by calling the EndDialog function. DialogBoxIndirectW Creates a modal dialog box from a dialog box template in memory.

DialogBoxParamA Creates a modal dialog box from a dialog box template resource. DialogBoxParamW Creates a modal dialog box from a dialog box template resource. DialogBoxW Creates a modal dialog box from a dialog box template resource. Window ghosting is a Windows Manager feature that lets the user minimize, move, or close the main window of an application that is not responding.

DispatchMessage Dispatches a message to a window procedure. It is typically used to dispatch a message retrieved by the GetMessage function. DispatchMessageA Dispatches a message to a window procedure. DispatchMessageW Dispatches a message to a window procedure.

DlgDirListA Replaces the contents of a list box with the names of the subdirectories and files in a specified directory. You can filter the list of names by specifying a set of file attributes. The list can optionally include mapped drives. DlgDirListComboBoxA Replaces the contents of a combo box with the names of the subdirectories and files in a specified directory. The list of names can include mapped drive letters. DlgDirListComboBoxW Replaces the contents of a combo box with the names of the subdirectories and files in a specified directory.

DlgDirListW Replaces the contents of a list box with the names of the subdirectories and files in a specified directory. The selection is interpreted as a drive letter, a file, or a directory name. It assumes that the list box has been filled by the DlgDirList function and that the selection is a drive letter, filename, or directory name.

DragDetect Captures the mouse and tracks its movement until the user releases the left button, presses the ESC key, or moves the mouse outside the drag rectangle around the specified point. DrawAnimatedRects Animates the caption of a window to indicate the opening of an icon or the minimizing or maximizing of a window.

DrawCaption The DrawCaption function draws a window caption. DrawEdge The DrawEdge function draws one or more edges of rectangle. DrawFocusRect The DrawFocusRect function draws a rectangle in the style used to indicate that the rectangle has the focus. DrawIcon Draws an icon or cursor into the specified device context.

DrawIconEx Draws an icon or cursor into the specified device context, performing the specified raster operations, and stretching or compressing the icon or cursor as specified. DrawMenuBar Redraws the menu bar of the specified window. If the menu bar changes after the system has created the window, this function must be called to draw the changed menu bar. DrawStateA The DrawState function displays an image and applies a visual effect to indicate a state, such as a disabled or default state.

DrawStateW The DrawState function displays an image and applies a visual effect to indicate a state, such as a disabled or default state. DrawText The DrawText function draws formatted text in the specified rectangle. It formats the text according to the specified method expanding tabs, justifying characters, breaking lines, and so forth.

EmptyClipboard Empties the clipboard and frees handles to data in the clipboard. The function then assigns ownership of the clipboard to the window that currently has the clipboard open. EnableMenuItem Enables, disables, or grays the specified menu item. Must be called during the initialization of that window. EnableWindow Enables or disables mouse and keyboard input to the specified window or control.

When input is disabled, the window does not receive input such as mouse clicks and key presses. When input is enabled, the window receives all input. EndDeferWindowPos Simultaneously updates the position and size of one or more windows in a single screen-refreshing cycle.

EndDialog Destroys a modal dialog box, causing the system to end any processing for the dialog box. EndMenu Ends the calling thread’s active menu. EndPaint The EndPaint function marks the end of painting in the specified window. This function is required for each call to the BeginPaint function, but only after painting is complete.

EndTask Forcibly closes the specified window. EnumChildWindows Enumerates the child windows that belong to the specified parent window by passing the handle to each child window, in turn, to an application-defined callback function.

EnumClipboardFormats Enumerates the data formats currently available on the clipboard. EnumDesktopsA Enumerates all desktops associated with the specified window station of the calling process.

The function passes the name of each desktop, in turn, to an application-defined callback function. EnumDesktopsW Enumerates all desktops associated with the specified window station of the calling process. EnumDesktopWindows Enumerates all top-level windows associated with the specified desktop. It passes the handle to each window, in turn, to an application-defined callback function.

EnumDisplayMonitors The EnumDisplayMonitors function enumerates display monitors including invisible pseudo-monitors associated with the mirroring drivers that intersect a region formed by the intersection of a specified clipping rectangle and the visible region of a device context. EnumDisplayMonitors calls an application-defined MonitorEnumProc callback function once for each monitor that is enumerated. To retrieve information for all the graphics modes of a display device, make a series of calls to this function.

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Micro supports a full-blown plugin system. Plugins are written in Lua and there is a plugin manager to automatically download and install your plugins for you. It’s basically a header that includes just about every possible function of the Win32 API, through many underlying headers which is, of course, an absolutely terrible way to do things, but, hey, that’s Microsoft for you. Using it also requires linking to a long list of libraries usually setup by default on your compiler configurations, when installed, or when creating a new “windows” project.

We’re a friendly, industry-focused community of 1. Answered by asifalizaman 1 in a post from 8 Years Ago. Edited 8 Years Ago by ganeshshirole because: no any.

Last Seen 17 Minutes Ago.


lrzip/windows.h at master · ckolivas/lrzip · GitHub.How do I download windows h file? |


It should have come with your compiler. What compiler are you using? If your compiler doesn’t find it, maybe the include-paths are not set correctly. Have you done a file-search for “windows. But, normally, this is included in the installation. You cannot just download windows. It’s basically a header that includes just about every possible function of the Win32 API, through many underlying headers which is, of course, an absolutely terrible way to do things, but, hey, that’s Microsoft for you.

Using it also requires linking to a long list of libraries usually setup by default on your compiler configurations, when installed, or when creating a new “windows” project. We’re a friendly, industry-focused community of 1. Answered by asifalizaman 1 in a post from 8 Years Ago. Edited 8 Years Ago by ganeshshirole because: no any. Last Seen 17 Minutes Ago. Facebook Like. Twitter Tweet. Be a part of the DaniWeb community.

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