Windows updates taking forever to download free.Windows 10 update takes forever
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Windows updates taking forever to download free –

Apr 01, · If the “Windows update taking forever” issue happens under the second situation, you can refer to the following instructions. You can’t start your PC normally because of the “Windows 10 update slow”, thus, you need to enter into Safe Mode to start your PC. If you don’t know how to boot into Safe Mode, this post – How to Start Windows 10 in Safe Mode (While Booting) is what you need. May 19, · Windows 10 update taking hours and hours in downloading and installing itself correctly on your PC! How long does windows 10 update take? If you see Windows 10 update taking forever in every , , , or update, do not upset. This post is going to help you dig out all the possible reasons and fixes for Windows 10 update taking forever problem. Dec 13, · I’m trying to download windows 10 for the first time on my laptop and it is taking forever to complete the download. The windows 10 setup says “Getting updates” and “Checking for updates” with a loading icon, it took 3 hours the first time before I restarted my laptop but this time IU have left it for 24 hours and it still hasn’t changed.
Windows updates taking forever to download free
It is possible that Windows is just finishing the last touches for the update. Is the update still on going? If yes, kindly wait for it to finish. If the update fails, Windows will automatically restart. Do not turn off or force shut down your PC. Doing so may cause system corruptions. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Thanks for your feedback. To do so, kindly follow these steps:.
If setup does not progress, close the wizard then restart your computer. How to download official Windows 10 ISO files. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. This thread is locked.
You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Allan Mej Microsoft Agent. Hi, It is possible that Windows is just finishing the last touches for the update. Update us on how things go.
How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In reply to Allan Mej’s post on December 28, I shut down the computer after hours of waiting and restarted it.
Now windows 10 Assistant says that the current version is and asking to update to version So frustrated. Let us know the result. Andre Da Costa Volunteer Moderator. A subscription to make the most of your time. Try one month free. This site in other languages x.